Rough and Ready, California

In 1849, Captain Townsend’s
Rough & Ready Company crossed the mountains by
way of the Truckee Route.
They arrived at Deer Creek sometime in September. Here
they mined in the creek
bed for gold. This was done for several weeks
with very profitable

While out hunting for
meat, one of the company came across a ravine. While taking
a drink in a clean, clear
creek, he saw a piece of gold exposed in the bedrock. The
Rough & Ready Company
immediately moved here, found lots more gold, and set
up their camp there.

Captain Townsend, seizing
upon the golden opportunity, made his way back
East, to hire more workers
to return with him to mine the gold. But when he
got back, the encampment
had grown huge, as word had leaked out about
the gold, and all
manner of fortune hunters had converged upon the
encampment. There
was over 500 people in the makeshift town that was
made up of tents and
shanties. Just a few months before there
had stood but a few cabins.

Tents were pitched on
the flat and along the ravines everywhere. Government
became needed to control
the rapidly rising population. It was during this
uncertainty of 1850 that
E. F. Brundage came up with the concept of a
separate republic.
He issued a high-sounding manifesto, and called a huge
meeting to organize the
State of Rough & Ready. About 100 men became
very devoted to him and
excitedly began working to build
their new country.
Unfortunately for the
new country, the 4th of July Holiday was soon to happen.
They quickly all decided
that a huge party was in order, but there was the problem
of their not being a
part of the United States. This placed a hamper on
the upcoming celebration.
How would they be able
to observe Independence Day and have a great party? A vote
was taken, and an overwhelming
majority decided to abolish the new Republic of Rough &
Ready and rejoin the
United States. They had a their huge party and celebrated their
rejoining of the Union
in great style.
The town prospered and
grew. But fate was not kind. It was on a Tuesday night,
June 28th, 1953 that
a massive fire swept through the town. The fire was started by a
candle that was too accidentally
left to close to a canvas partition by a
drunken towns person.
Within minutes the
whole business section of the town burned completely to
the ground, including
40 hotels, stores and houses. It had been almost
totally destroyed.
The townspeople sprang
to action showing the rugged character of the day. The town
was quickly rebuilt,
and it was built better and stronger. Sadly, there was no
fire department built,
and fate was unkind again on July 8, 1859. Again, yet
another fire completely
destroyed the main part of town.
From this second fire,
the town never did recover. The few who had paying
claims remained, and
there was enough remaining population to maintain a store,
saloon, post office,
and express office.
The town of Rough and
Ready is similar in size today. They have a Fire Station,
Post Office, Store, and
various other buildings. Each year during the month of
June, the downtown area
is the location for the Rough % Ready Secession
Days Celebration.
There is a pancake breakfast, cake walk, Clog Dancers, and a
play about the Secession
of Rough and Ready from the Union. Lots of great
food and drink abound,
and all have good times with the wonderful folks that
make Rough & Ready
their home today.